WolfPak Racing

Since its inception in 2010 under the WMBC banner, Wolfpak racing will always stand to promote positive growth within the mountain bike racing community. The WolfPak is committed to being a leader in advocating the FUN in mountain bike racing wherever our presence may be.  Over the years, the Pak has had success in all disciplines of cross country mountain bike racing and continues to grow in new aspects of the sport. We firmly support our existing racers and want to continue to expand to new riders regardless of skill and disciplines.

Interested in joining the Pak? Just visit our Facebook page for more information on how to contact and be a part of the PAK.


The Club offers members the chance to help build an all-around racing team and program

Details about our coaching and training program for youth (WolfPups) and teens (Juniors) and Adults:

  • WolfPups 10-13years

    • The goal of the Pups program is to develop riders who wish to compete in local races and progress to the Juniors program. Riders should already have a strong cycling base and be able to navigate the entire lower section of the Walden Trails.

  • WolfPak Juniors 13-18 years

    • The Juniors program is a competitive cycling team racing locally and provincially.

  • WolfPak Adults

    • The adults program is a group of like minded individuals who enjoy company while training and attending events.

Program Requirements:

  • Everyone who attends the coaching and training session needs a bike that is in good working order, a helmet and a water bottle.

  • Kids bikes should be a mountain bike a minimum 20" wheel diameter with at least 6 speeds (6 sprockets on the rear wheel).

  • Team members need a current WMBC membership and a WolfPak jersey ($80-155). The Pups and Juniors training program has a $50 fee

  • To apply to join the team, email wolfpakracing.mtb@gmail.com and include name, age, and rider experience.

Coaching is provided by senior members of WolfPak Racing and takes place Thursday evenings at Walden Trails beginning in May for the Juniors and June for the Pups. Adults training sessions are informal and ad-hoc.

Fee for WolfPup and Juniors Race Program - $50

  • The training sessions run for 8 Thursdays over the summer

  • Disclaimer - Please only proceed to registration if your child has a WMBC Membership and has been accepted into the program by email to wolfpakracing.mtb@gmail.com. We will not be issuing refunds.

More information about the Club’s Race Team can be found on our Wolfpak Facebook Page.

Contact wolfpakracing.mtb@gmail.com for details on our race group.


WolfPak Training Rides


  • Thursday Nights are the Training Nights for the WolfPup and Junior Racers

  • Junior A Time: 6 pm - 8 pm

  • Junior B Time: 6 pm - 7 pm

  • WolfPups Time: 7 pm - 8 pm